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Sharing what it’s like to be young

Youth is a phase in which people are receptive and vulnerable. So much growth and development is going on. This lifemap scenario is meant for generational groups, to reflect and share how life is/was for them, in their youth. Group members go on an intuitive journey through their own youth. In the process they will ponder about the influence of people and events on them. After completion of the individual maps they are invited to share their experiences in the group, with a focus on how they have developed themselves, notwithstanding outside influences. When there are societal and cultural differences, or when it is about the question: how can we support each other and embrace inclusiveness, being in a generational group makes it easier to share with each other.


The image shows the lifemap building blocks

The lifemap package for this scenario contains the building blocks shown in the image above: the being young stickers, which are an extended version of the life stickers, a landscape poster and being young symbols.

The overarching goal for this scenario

The overarching goal for this scenario is to create a careful approach for young adults to acknowledge and empower each other and for older generations a way to reflect and a basis to recalibrate.

What this lifemap scenario will bring

We live in uncertain times of extremes, polarisation and fragmentation. People need each other more than ever. We have to learn to live and work together, in mutual trust and solidarity. The landscapes, stickers and symbols inspire people to create an image of their youth on the poster. The poster becomes a temporary homebase, from which they tell each other their stories, while the others listen, with full attention. The aim of this scenario is to create a safe space for all involved, in which they feel welcome and appreciated.

Visualising your youth and finding out about your generation

Participants in a lifemap project each fill in their own poster. The life stickers contain a broad collection of life themes. The intention for them is to represent life as a whole, when you are/were young. The symbols add a personal touch to your poster and help to immerse yourself in the lifemapping process. The landscapes on the poster evoke thoughts, emotions, moods, beliefs, desires. Walking through them, you’ll find the environments that mirror and match the key life themes you have selected. You will go on an intuitive journey through your youth.

When you are young, you are open and sensitive. You depend on others for care and support. During the mapping process you will relive difficult and easy, sad and joyful, heavy and light moments, and look back at peaceful as well as stormy life conditions. In the process you’ll reflect about yourself and about the influence of people and events on you. 

Children are unique and they are individuals, from the moment they are born. When you are an adult you bear responsibility to support, protect and empower them. Nonetheless, like many others you probably have made mistakes or did things which you regret as an adult, while raising your children or dealing with young people. Having said this, this lifemap scenario is not about failure and guilt, it brings you back to the time when you were young – with the invitation to remember the essence of your experiences and to focus on how you have developed yourself, disregarding what others and society might have done to you.   

What does it mean to share your personal story with others? The lifemapping process provides a sense of safety and security. No intimate details are shown on the poster, since the text stickers are at a conceptual level. Nobody can guess what you meant by your choice of landscapes. Telling your story is made easy, because you can simply go through the life themes on the poster and use the chosen landscapes to elaborate on them. You don’t have to think up anything else or prepare for it. When you actually tell your story it will come naturally. You will experience how extraordinary it feels, when other people listen to you without interruption or discussion, paying you their full attention. 

Working with this lifemap scenario you will experience what it means to be in a space in which each person can be fully present, feel welcome and appreciated. And how this creates a foundation for mutual trust. Although the storytelling and deep listening can take up the whole programme, a dialogue can be added in which group members share their observations at a generational level and explore the characteristics of their generation together.

Symbols are added to personalise the poster

Mobile phone

Personal safety and privacy

How the built-in lifemap process facilitates a safe environment for sharing and how personal information is protected during the lifemap project will be discussed in advance.

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