Your life’s work, seen from a collective perspective
Individualism has been a determining factor in the societal model of many wealthy countries. This lifemap scenario is for people who would like to explore characteristics of that which is of collective interest. Consider your life’s work as a collection of all the moments of your life, valuing everything. Your life course is depicted on the poster. From where you are now, you’ll imagine how you envision your future. We will share which social behaviour patterns we have experienced ourselves and talk about how to cope with those in our own environment. Following that we will let ourselves be informed and inspired by the many possible routes that exist already to find our own answers for the future. Each of the group adds their findings to their own poster. Insight and overview will help to find direction.
The image shows the lifemap building blocks
The lifemap package for this scenario contains the building blocks shown in the image above: the compass poster or life’s path poster, life’s work, organising and pattern stickers. The sticker sheet with the symbols is not depicted, but it is included in the lifemap package.
The overarching goal for this lifemap scenario
The aim of this scenario is for us, people in the wealthy countries, with cultures which have become individualistic and materialistic, to open up to the concept of collective interest.

For people who want to find new steps on the journey to live Humanity’s Code of Care
Seeing your life’s work as a whole. Re-experiencing what made meaning and gave you fulfilment. Consider your life’s work to encompass your whole life: your jobs and voluntary work, your relations, your attitude and behaviour, your deeds, thoughts and longings. You’ll map your course of life in the past and the now. Which areas gave meaning to your life? Which areas represent situations in which you felt fulfilled and happy? You’ll add symbols to the map next to life themes which made you experience this. Reliving these situations is a choice for acknowledgement. Expressing gratitude is an essential reinforcer for the future.
Bringing experiences together and embracing the fullness. After the individual mapping there is a round of storytelling. Just as it makes sense in a collaboration to bring in all talents instead of only a selection, it makes sense to collect the whole richness of your experiences. For the group exchange this brings in many authentic pieces of reality, which leads to a fruitful conversation.
Creating the right conditions for a constructive exchange. Participants in the lifemap project share their high- and lowlights, while the others listen deeply. No comments, no judgement, just attention. This creates an atmosphere of connection and involvement and sets the right conditions for a constructive exchange about social and societal patterns. People are asked to voice what they wish to talk about from their story, so the conversation will be reality-based and grounded.
Developing future orientation is a key capacity. The organising stickers are a collection which was created for the purpose of expanding our scope to include statements that give substance to aspects of Humanity’s Code of Care which are not considered much or overlooked. It is an eclectic collection, which will be constantly updated to be of service to inspire renewal of our views. Individually, people add their choice of statements of relevance and meaning and add those to the themes for the future on the poster. This creates a view of what is important for you in the future. A short round of storytelling follows in which the participants share what and how they would like their future to be. Imagination and visualisation are powerful tools for creation. This counts not only for a work of art but also for your life. It will prove really worth your while to practice to look around and forward, now and then, especially in our time in which every day seems to be loaded to the brim with whatever is asking for our attention.
Consciously creating your personal compass helps to make decisions. A compass shows you directions. Your filled-in poster gives you information about who you are, with who you are connected and where you are. When taking your next steps is concerned, knowing this is crucial to make an informed decision. The poster is your map. A compass complements it. What options and pathways do you see? Where do you envision you are going? What calls you to contribute? A round of exchange follows in which participants give words to what is shown on their map for the future. After each story the others will give feedback and ask questions, not with the aim to discuss these, but just as information for the storyteller.
Sometime after the programme, described above, the group convenes again. The leading question for this meeting will be: What have we learned about that which is of collective interest?
Personal safety and privacy
How the built-in lifemap process facilitates a safe environment for sharing and how personal information is protected during the whole lifemap project will be discussed in advance.